









Charlotte Bruijn ( pronounce as Brown) is an international published Dutch illustrator & designer. She mainly illustrates children’s picturebooks, products-, editorials- and cards for children. Often combined with handwritting. She illustrated 25+ Children’s books. Besides Illustrating under her name she runs a design studio called Lottaland.

When she illustrates she loves to give the characters the time of their lives. You can often see her making funny faces or doing weird poses to understand the character even more. Within her vivid style she adds fun, magic and soul. Charlotte lives with her husband, daughter, son, dog and cat in the centre of the Netherlands.

If you have any question drop me a line at hello@charlottebruijn.nl

note: Charlotte speaks Dutch and English. This website is in english to make it accessible for international communication




– More big exciting news coming up SOON!

– Theatre Performances De Ridder zonder billen Vanaf2 speellijst

Ivy and her Rose Bud. Planned for Summer 2025 _ Bromfield press

Doeboek 2 _Ridder zonder billen_ spring 2025 _ Holkema & Warendorf




De koning zonder kroon _ by Levina v. Teunenbroek _ Holkema & van Warendorf.

Doeboek 1_De ridder zonder billen _ by Levina v. Teunenbroek _ Holkema & van Warendorf
Stoute streken _ by Levina v. Teunenbroek _ Holkema & van Warendorf _ 2024
Prinses Pie _ Averbode _ 2024

De Koning zonder spierballen _ by Levina v. Teunenbroek _ Holkema & van Warendorf
La grande fete de Licornes _ by Emilie Hamm, Mabrouk Reguigui _ Fleurus Editions
3 histoires 3 ans _ Fleurus Editions _ 2023
4 Histoires 4 ans _ Fleurus Editions _ 2023

Het prinsesje zonder stank _ by Levina v. Teunenbroek _ Holkema & van Warendorf
7 Histoires de Pirates _ Fleurus Editions

Mes secrets de licornes _ by Bénédicte Rivière _ Fleurus Editions
You can be a farmer too! _ by Becky Davies _ TigerTales
De prins zonder billen _ by Levina v. Teunenbroek _ Holkema & van Warendorf
Pippa en het potje _ Standaard uitgeverij
Pippa kan het _ Standaard uitgeverij

De ridder zonder billen _ by Levina v. Teunenbroek – Holkema & Warendorf – 2020
Histoires qui font Prout _ Emmanuelle Lepetit _ Fleurus Editions_ 2020
Are you eating candy without me?! _ by Draga J. Malesevic _ Penguin Workshop – 2020
Versjesboom _ by Marianne Busser Ron Schroder _Uitgeverij Moon _ 2020

2019 <
Ivy the very determinded dog _ By Chris & Maureen Harrington _ Bromfield press – 2019
Het wonderlijke winterboek _ byMarianne Busser Ron Schroder _Uitgeverij Moon
Het zonnige zomerboek _ by Marianne Busser Ron Schroder _Uitgeverij Moon
Mijn verenbewaarboekje _ by Charlotte Bruijn & Jaap Langenberg published by Gottmer
Mijn bloemenbewaarboekje _ by Charlotte Bruijn & Jaap Langenberg published by Gottmer
Mijn bladerenbewaarboekje _ by Charlotte Bruijn & Jaap Langenberg published by Gottmer
Word een held met je geld _ Nibud_ ABN Amro Foundation
Wat is waarde? _ Ubuntu theatre organistaion